Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mrs. Condie's Class Visit 16: Love, Splat

Visit 16 took place on Valentine's Day, so what a perfect day to have a Valentine inspired lesson. We read the book "Love, Splat" by Rob Scotton. At the end of the book was a cute poem that Splat's crush had written him.

Inspired by this poem, I had the class come up with their very own Valentine's Day Poem, and here is what they created.

The Strong Hearted Lion
The strong hearted lion loved Valentine's Day, 
He liked to eat candy in every way. 
Upside down and right side up. 
Even eating like a pup!
Giving hearts to everyone, 
Valentine's Day is so much fun! 

Quite an impressive little poem! After we came up with the poem we spent the rest of class turning it into movement. Even though this poem had a couple of great movement potential words such as upside down and right side up, most of the poem required quite a bit of abstraction and creative thinking, but these 2nd graders continually impress me with what they come up with. My only wish at the end of the day was that we had more time to dance, it took us quite some time to come up with the poem. However, with the time we did have the student's did a great job in translating poetry into motion!

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